During the Japanese occupation, Ramon Ruffy organized and led a guerilla outfit known as Bolo combat team of Bolo Area. The Bolo Area later because part of the 6th Military district, which has been recognized and placed under the operational control of the U.S. Army in the South Pacific. Sometime later, Col. Jurado effected a change of command in the Bolo Area. Major Ruffy who was then acting as commanding officer was relieved of his position. Later, Col. Jurado was slain allegedly by petitioner.
Whether or not petitioner is subject to military law at the time the alleged offense was committed.
YES. By accepting the appointments as officers in the Bolo Area form the general headquarters of the 6th Military district, they became members of the Philippine Army amendable to the articles of war. As officers in the Bolo Area and the 6th Military district, the petitioners operated under the orders of the duly established and duly appointed commander of the U.S. Army.