Angeles City v Angeles City Electric Corp., et.al.; G.R. No. 166134; 29 Jun 2010
FACTS: On 22 January 2004, the City Treasurer issued a Notice of Assessment on respondent for payment of business tax, license fee and other charges for the period 1993 to 2004. The latter seasonably protested but was denied by the City Treasurer for lack of merit. On 05 April 2004, the City Treasurer levied on respondent’s real properties and a notice was published and posted announcing a public auction of the said properties. The electric corporation filed an Urgent Motion for Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order and/or Write of Preliminary Injunction to enjoin petitioner and its City Treasurer from levying,…
Silkair (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. v CIR; G.R. No. 173594; 06 Feb 2008
FACTS:Petitioner on 19 December 2001 filed with the BIR a written application for the refund of excise taxes it claimed to have paid on its purchases of jet fuel from Petron Corporation from January to June 2000. As the BIR had not yet acted on its application as of 26 December 2001, petitioner filed a petition for review before the CTA, which denied the petition on the ground that as the excise tax was imposed on Petron Corporation as the manufacturer of petroleum products, any claim for refund should be filed by the latter. ISSUE(S):Whether or not petitioner may file…
CIR v Smart Communications, Inc.; G.R. Nos. 179045-46; 25 Aug 2010
FACTS:Respondent on 25 May 2001 entered into three agreements for programming and consultancy services with Prism Transactive (M) Sdn. Bhd., a Malaysian corporation. On 25 September 2001, it filed its Monthly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld for the Month of August 2001, including the 25% royalty tax it withheld from its payment to Prism. On 24 September 2003, respondent filed with the BIR, through the latter’s International Tax Affairs Division, an administrative claim for refund. ISSUE(S):Whether or not a withholding agent has a legal right to file a claim for tax refund. HELD:YES. First, a withholding agent is…
CIR v Manila Electric Company; G.R. No. 181459; 09 Jun 2014
FACTS: Respondent obtained two loans from the Singapore branch of a German bank. Pursuant to the loan agreements, respondent paid/remitted to the BIR the corresponding 10% final withholding tax (FWT) on its interest payments on the loan covering the period from January 1999 to September 2003. It discovered sometime in 2001 that the bank is a foreign government-owned financing institution in Germany and confirmed with the BIR that the interest payments made to the German bank are exempt from the 10% FWT. On 13 July 2004, respondent filed with petitioner a claim for tax refund or issuance of tax credit…
CIR v Goodyear Philippines, Inc.; G.R. No. 216130; 03 Aug 2016
FACTS: On 15 October 2008, respondent filed an application for relief from double taxation before the International Tax Affairs division of the BIR to confirm that the redemption of respondent’s preferred shares owned by an American company was not subject to Philippine income tax. Nonetheless, respondent still withheld and remitted 15% final withholding tax (FWT) to the BIR on 03 November 2008. On 21 October 2010, respondent filed an administrative claim for refund or issuance of tax credit certificate (TCC) before the BIR. On 03 November 2010, it filed a judicial claim by way of petitioner for review before the…
Systra Philippines, Inc. v CIR; G.R. No. 176290; 21 Sep 2007
FACTS: Petitioner filed its Annual Income Tax Return (ITR) for the taxable year 2000 declaring unutilized tax credits and opting to carry over said excess tax credit to the succeeding taxable year 2001. It filed its Annual ITR for the taxable year 2001 also stating overpayment of withholding tax and indicating therein the option “To be issued a Tax Credit Certificate” relative to said excess tax credit. On 09 August 2002, petitioner instituted a claim for refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate with the BIR of its unutilized creditable withholding tax. ISSUE(S): Whether or not the exercise of the option…
Belle Corp. v CIR; G.R. No. 181298; 10 Jan 2011
FACTS:Petitioner filed its Income Tax Return (ITR) for the taxable year ending 31 December 1997 reflecting an overpayment of income taxes. Instead of claiming the amount as a tax refund, petitioner decided to apply it as a tax credit to the succeeding taxable year by marking the tax credit option box in its 1997 ITR. For the taxable year 1998, petitioner’s amended ITR also showed an overpayment. On 12 April 2000, petitioner filed with the BIR an administrative claim for refund, carried over the overpaid amount to taxable year 1999 and applied a portion thereof to its 1999 Minimum Corporate Income…
CIR v PL Management International Phils., Inc.; G.R. No. 160949; 04 Apr 2011
FACTS: In its 1997 income tax return filed on 13 April 1998, respondent declared a creditable withholding tax of P1.2M for taxable year 1997 to be claimed as tax credit in taxable year 1998. On 13 April 1999, respondent submitted its ITR for taxable year 1998 in which it reported a net loss. Due to its net-loss position, it was unable to claim the P1.2M tax credit. ISSUE(S): Whether or not respondent may claim a refund of the unutilized creditable withholding tax for taxable year 1997. HELD: NO. Inasmuch as the respondent already opted to carry over its unutilized creditable…
CIR v Isabela Cultural Corp.; G.R. No. 135210; 11 Jul 2001
FACTS:Respondent received an assessment letter dated 09 February 1990 stating that it had delinquent taxes due. It subsequently filed its motion for reconsideration on 23 March 1990. In support of its request for reconsideration, it sent to the CIR additional documents on 18 April 1990. The next communication respondent received was already the Final Notice Before Seizure dated 10 November 1994. ISSUE(S):Whether or not the Final Notice Before Seizure constitutes the final decision of the CIR appealable to the CTA. HELD:YES. The Final Notice Before Seizure cannot but be considered as the CIR’s decision disposing of the request for reconsideration…
Surigao Electric Co., Inc. v CTA and CIR; G.R. No. L-25289; 28 Jun 1974
FACTS: An exchange of correspondence between petitioner and the CIR ensued on petitioner’s liability for deficiency franchise tax, after the latter issued against petitioner a warrant of distraint and levy in November 1961 to enforce the collection of said franchise tax plus surcharge. Petitioner requested a recomputation of the 29 April 1963 revised assessment it received on 08 May 1963. When the CIR denied its request, it appealed to the CTA on 01 August 1963. ISSUE(S): Whether or not petitioner timely appealed to the CTA. HELD: NO. The letter of demand dated April 29, 1963 unquestionably constitutes the final action…